Webservice currently unavailable

After updating some products, gives me Always “Error 500”.
I tried on Chrome and Firefox. Always the same result.

Webservice currently unavailable

Don’t worry, the site is completely down since two week and nobody care.

Hi 170719,

Thanks for reporting this. we will fix this asap.


Please do not spread misinformation. Some parts of it are having issues that are being investigated, but the sites as a whole is up and running.

Hi maggiedong,

I have also this problem… it takes about 10 minutes to upload files, and the same “Error 500” happens.

… is this for every one?

This problem still persists to this day!

…is this “…we will fix this asap.”

Hi, Can you try again?


It worked. Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your feedback.

Pling team… So, once again I have this problem… Can you give some attention to this issue?

Best regards
Webservice currently unavailable

What sites and page are you trying to access?

Downloading files doesn’t work.

Screenshot from 2022-06-22 08-07-03

I just tried and was able to download one of the Sweet files. It might have been a temporary network issue.

As I mentioned in the opening of this issue, it seems that when I’m updating my products there’s this problem, but… it comes and goes, like yesterday I couldn’t update and today it was possible… So I think it must be something in your network, maybe you should have some attention to that.

Best regards