Unable to log in Pling or Gnome-Look

This started a few weeks ago - I amalso unable to reset my password, the email never comes. Any suggestions?

Hi andril, Sorry for that.
Could you please send us your email address to contact@opendesktop.org. We will figure it out as soon as possible.


it’s real weird because i can log into the forums with the same info

thank you for the message and sorry for the inconvenience. The problem is not that easy to identify. Please just try to set yourself a new password.
In any case, this should solve your problem.

just requested it again and it never comes to my inbox or spam

sorry that it doesn’t work for you. Just to exclude all sources of error: Do you use the email address with which you registered in the past? You can also check this in your profile in this forum.

see: https://forum.opendesktop.org/u/andril/preferences/account

ah that actually is a very old email address how can i change it haven’t used it in ages