Trinity-look missing categories

Hello again OpenDesktop team,

I noticed some of the former KDE3 categories seem to be missing from the website (KDE3 Domino themes and KDE3 colour schemes).

See the sidebar on this page: KDE 3 Themes -

Could they be added to the website? As it is now one has to go to to find them among lots and lots of categories not relevant to Trinity.

This is just a wish, but it will make sense for most users, as these themes work well with Trinity.

Thank you!

@dschinn-de can you please investigate adding these, thanks!

We added the category to the tree. Because it is a main category, a few other categories are also displayed. The tree has changed a bit. I’m not an expert on the Trinity desktop, so please let me know if you see a category that doesn’t work for Trinity.

I think it’s okay to keep them all, thank you for the quick feedback!