Relationship-Not-resolved with regards to yourselves, and Pling.com_Rather, as if Pling has never heard of opendesktop.org_5 years later


My name is Michael and I found the Post of “Relationship Between…” back in Sept 2017 by PCMedicInIA (hope I got that right), but I am having the same problem. Please understand that it is not you guys ( that I feel is “dropping the ball”, if you like, as far as the relationship with pling. Specifically, my problem is this.
   I logged in to your site. Basically, all I really wanted to do was give a very high rating to the user ollifri whose Icon Sets are simply phenomenal. I do not give out 9s or even 10s easily or lightly, but I feel that these Icon Sets actually raise the bar, thus setting a new standard of excellence. So, since I was on site at the time, I clicked the area for giving a review or rating, and–big surprise, I end up on Pling’s site. Technically, not a problem, yet. As I saw your name, followed by (I am dying to check that out!), and finally, Pling. I thought (and hoped) that it was quite likely that since the first two listed sites were “open…”, I could forgive Pling’s lapse in naming conventions judgement, just please be easy like the ubuntu-one (or something very similar) and a few sites had one single sign-on code.
   No. In fact, it almost seemed as if Pling was like, “Open who? Never heard of 'em” and so my confusion skyrocketed to stratospheric proportions (without the awful temperatures and super-low Oxygen levels, thank God!) but anyway, I began to investigate and went 'round and 'round in a web-landing-page loop which is very similar to being sent to different departments of the Social Security phone-abyss after being on hold for an hour and disconnected twice. After deep breathing, getting dizzy, and staring at the screen, I resolved to check the community forums and found the discussion boards and I sank even lower when I found the similar scenario played out several times in several different wordings. I finally found—well you already know that part about the similar heading/opening line and being reminded 15 times that they were similar. I know it is a lot to sift through but I am a 52-year-old man with ADD and several other things that landed me in an assisted living facility. Not that that excuses me, but anyway there it is.

I’ve brought this to the attention of our web team and they will reply to you here. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.