Products do not appear in the kde theme store

The following products are not listed in the theme store.
I am referring to the kde plasma system preferences store, and not the page.

Some products that were uploaded that same day appear regularly

Ok, thanks for the information. We’ll look into it.

Hi dschinn-de,

Same case for “Ars-Dark-Plasma” (Global-Theme, Plasma Theme, Icons, Aurorae …).

Themes were published 5 months ago.

Ok, our software really didn’t find everything. We have adjusted the search a little and now more of your products are displayed.

But … you may have to move the products to other categories

Pachtli Dark Global → is now displayed. This was a problem in the search routine.

Horizon Dark and Horizon Light → is also displayed

Pachtli Light and Dark → you will not find them in Plasma 6. You have put it in category 112. This is mapped to ‘KDE Colour Scheme KDE 4’. If it is suitable for Plasma 6, then it should be in a different category.

Pachtli Dark (Plasma Theme) and Horizon Plasma (Plasma Theme) → you won’t find them in Plasma 6 either. This is in a category for Plasma 5 Desktop Themes.

Living Geometry → will also be found in Plasma 6

I have tried all this under KDE Neon with Plasma 6. Basically, your products are in the database. They are just not displayed in every Plasma version.


So at least I can find the Ars Dark Global under Plasma 6 and Plasma 5, but under Plasma 5 the thing is pretty far in the back. I can also find the Ars Dark Plasma theme under Plasma 5. It may be that my update has now also improved things for you.

I’m confused, I only find one option for color schemes; I can’t switch the themes to another category because there’s only one. A different one for Plasma 6 doesn’t appea

The same goes for Plasma themes; only one category appears, not two f

Ok, I always get this mixed up. You’re right about Plasma Colour Schemes(112). There is no other category

It seems that the synchronisation is not running completely smoothly. You seem to have recreated ‘PachtliDark’ and it is still not visible after 60 minutes. I’ll get behind it again.

Hi dschinn,

Sorry for not answering you right away, I waited a bit to make sure everything was okay. It seems to be working fine now. Thank you very much.

No problem. But I’m not completely happy with the synchronisation yet. I’ll keep an eye on it, if you notice anything else please let me know.

Ok, thanks again.

Hi @dschinn-de,
i use Plasma6/Fedora41, if i type “blacky” let it not show all iconthemes from me,
could you check it ?

Ich weis, Ihr bastelt grad neuen Code rein wegen Plasma6 compatibility
und da geht manchens drunter und drüber…
viel Spaß beim basteln :slight_smile:


I can find 7 icon themes under Plasma 5. That must be all of them - I think. And under KDE Neon with Plasma 6 I also find 7. What should be missing?

P.S. Good idea to set your own identifier as a tag!

hmmmm, watsch dath : Filmchen

(it’s a de-en slang, which mean, watch that :wink: )

aber geht doch länger als ich selber dachte,
aber schau dirs mal an…

go’s longer as i’v thought… well… look it on…


It seems that the problem is quite general, I have found many products that are in situations similar to those mentioned above, they do not appear in the store and installation as a dependency is not possible either.

For example, I found this other one.

Ok, thanks for the info. We’ll take care of it.

These are some other products that do not appear:

Hi dschinn-de,

Two hours ago, I posted Plasma Themes, called “PurPurNight”. However, none of Themes appear in System Settings. So Global Theme, Plasma Theme, Colorscheme, SDDM Theme, Splashscreen,Kvantum Theme, GTK-Theme, Wallpapers …

I also noticed that some of the themes called “Slot”, they also do not appear.

Thanks in advance,

We have installed an update and will be monitoring the whole thing for the next 24 hours.
We have made changes to the search algorithm. Words with at least 3 letters can now be searched, but no results will be returned for word length below this. Words with hyphens or underscores are treated as a single search word. And it can take up to 15 minutes for changes to become visible.