Problem with update

Problem with update:

Thank you for pointing this out. It should work again now.

Now everything is ok. Thank You very much, dschinn-de!

We have a problem with updates again.

Should work again …

Thank You very much, dschinn-de! It works now.


I confirm the problem also when deleting (for updating I usually delete old file and update the new one), in addition with problem in direct updating.

Is there something I can do on browser side?
Thank you very much

I can also confirm that deleting files, for an eventual update, is erroring out again (after multiple attempts).
Screenshot from 2023-03-24 04-03-25

We have problems with our infrastructure right now, we are working on a solution to the problem.

Thanks for checking in. :face_with_peeking_eye:

For now, it seems to be working again. We will monitor this closely.

Looks good! Thank you!! :+1: :grinning:

Seems to have a problem again.

It’s all right now.