Good evening. Payment for the last month failed again (PayPal API error). Please fix the issue. Thank you.
I often see,you face payment related I suggest you use any other paypal account.
Please initiate manual payout, Then I switch to another account of PayPal. Thanks.
Wait for other admin’s reply payout handle by other admin.
In general, we review all faulty payouts. Colleagues should have the erroneous payments redrawn soon.
Failed payments for May and June say otherwise. Then I was also asked to wait, and then they said that the time was up.
Yes, I know. And we are in the process of adapting our workflows.
Hi, lets try your another Paypal address. please edit your paypal address.
For now can’t. Please do manual payout (like last month).
done. please check again.
Good day. Yeah! Many thanks!
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