Payment hasn't gone through for two months

Now the fee is paid already for December. However, I have not received yet for November. It’s been like this for 2 months now…

What can be wrong?

Thank you.

Hi driglu4it,
Sorry for this. somehow there are a few paypal accounts could not receive plings via our automatic payout process. unfortunately your account is one of them. my colleage need to do the transaction manuelly.

please wait a bit.


Thanks, still waiting.

Unfortunately, the status of the payment is still the same (error during automatic attempt, please wait).

Sorry for the persistence, but it’s been 7 days since I reported the problem. Are there any news?

Thank you.

I have run the payout auto process again, but without success with your paypal account. and I have sent msg to the colleague who can do payout manuelly.

I think you will receive your pling soon.


Thank you for your responsiveness!

Great job!
I received both payments.
Thank you very much and have a nice day!