No GTK3 topic on

  1. Why is there no GTK3 topic in
  2. I created a product on xfce-look but it ended up on but not in xfce-look. Does anyone know what’s happening here?

Hi gyll,

we added GTK3 now to support GTK3 application theming under XFCE.
The easiest way to download and apply GTK3 themes under XFCE is to try the Opendesktop app:

Just give it a shot and let us know how it works.

Hey clemens,

Thanks for introducing gtk3 on As for the app, i’m old school, i hate apps, i like it in the browser :slight_smile:

I know this is an old topic , but I find it misleading.

Not every GTK3-theme supports XFCE. So simply copy the main GTK3-category to is not really a good idea. As a themer myself I have adapted a few themes specific for XFCE. And I could not really find the correct category to put it in, because it is both GTK2/GTK3 and XFWM4, with specific CSS-code to make it work properly in the XFCE-desktop.