(new user) Cannot login to products (e.g., Files)

I can login opendesktop.org but I cannot login to products (maps, Files…).
When I click a product, it required to login again, then it shows wrong password error.
I’ve changed two times and successfully login opendesktop.org again and again but I cannot login any products.

The problem should be solved. Please try again.

I am having the same problem. I’ve changed my password multiple times and reset my browser and the problem persists.

Try now @bklatham1985

Same problem here… What’s the point login in openDesktop if we have to login in every service!!!

I guess I’m not the only one with this problem. Who do I have to contact to be able to login to and use files, calendar, etc…?

You should both be able to log in now.

Thank you so much! Everything works now. :vulcan_salute:

Same thing here. Why? :frowning:

Sometimes our anti-spam measures give false positives when users sign up and regular users get caught in it. You should be able to sign into things now.

Just…thanks :grinning:

I think I ran into the same issue. Please help

Should be working now.

Same problem here :frowning:

You should be able to login now @openkratio

@justinz same here. Thanks!

Hello @justinz . I have the same problem. Thanks

@magicaitoday @nurd you should both be able to use other services now.

Thank you @justinz

Hello, im getting HTTP ERROR 500