Licence of wallpapers

If we upload captured photos, under what domain we should upload it?
Can we upload AI generated photos?

So, if by ‘captured images’ you mean images you have taken yourself. For example of your cat stealing your tuna sandwich - then the answer is: Yes, you can do that and use the domain for it. We don’t have a separate subdomain for wallpapers.

So far, we don’t have any extra categories for AI-generated content. We are also unsure whether we should copy the entire category tree for AI or simply add a category for AI. We’ll have to think about that.

I want to suggest a feature, if you guys can add a checkbox in our end for the product listing phase, we can simply update our listing, like we can remove several products in same time, It may be complicated load balance, when several users try to update their profiles in same time, but if it implemented it will be very helpful to us.
So, thanks for your information and advices <3.