Is the Pling main page, the Gnome page, and some others down?

Is the Pling main page, the Gnome page, and some others down? I haven’t been able to access them in a couple of days, on either Firefox or Chromium.

We’ve had some network issues in the past few days, we’re hoping they’ve now stabilised. If you’re still having trouble currently, please send me a private message with your Internet IP address, and I’ll check connectivity issues.

My IP address is

It will not let me send a DM, after a few attempts. I get this error message (below screenshot):

The main site slowly connects now, but with only partial graphic presentation via Firefox, and a little better on Chrome/Chromium.

Screenshot from 2023-11-09 01-19-39

Yeah, we’re still experiencing intermittent issues. Sometimes it loads fast and others it is a crawl. We’re working to restore regular operation as fast as we can.

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