Is something wrong with the payout system?

Hi there @opendesktop
I wanted to report something weird that I saw in the payout tab.
I checked my payout tab two days ago and it showed my April payout was about $40 and also the section factor was 1 which was really weird, but I thought it might be some glitch.

But when I looked today it’s showing my April payout is $0

I haven’t received my April payout yet, does this has to do something with that?
Hoping you guys will check into this issue as soon as possible


Same issue.

2 days before i saw my balance was 227+ but now 00 wtf

Yes im also having this prb.
I also having this problem,i saw mostly everyone having this issue, idk why it happening, we have right to know everything clearly or may every priginal products creators dont have anything here