Full Icon Themes page thumbnails not square

Hi, the thumbnails on main page of full icon themes are stretched. Is been like that at least a year, at least on Firefox.
Is it a feature or a bug? If it’s a feature what proportions/dimensions should be? Definitely these are not square.

looks like the preview images are a 16:9 ratio, if you look at the image with the desktop they are fine.

So it depends on the up-loader what he does his/her preview images at (16:9 for no scaling)

BigSur icon theme preview image is 400px × 400px and got (scaled to 373px × 202px) so it got distorted.

The icon next to the title is fine because the preview image he used was square 85px × 85px (scaled to 70px × 70px)

Hope this helps

Thanks! But problem is that image for thumbnail is taken from product logo, witch is square. And this image is used in two places (as thumbnail and in product page). Whatever you do in one of these places image will be wrong.
I don’t see any option to choose not to use product logo in thumbnails.
And website looks terrible with these stretched images how everyone ok with that.

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Yes its a mess and like you say its been like that forever…

When uploading a product you have

  • Add logo Product Logo (min. 20x20, max. 2000x2000, max. 2MB)

  • Gallery Pictures Gallery Pictures (5MB, max. 5 pictures)

the logo should be square
Gallery Pictures should be 16:9 ratio

Then at the end you have the actual product for download

I know what you mean though, if you follow this, images in other places are not in proportion either e.g the product page. https://www.pling.com/u/antechdesigns/
I agree, being an image site the image layout should be a priority.

I think the images should be cropped to the placeholder rather than scaled, that’s a job for the developers…

Not much you can do about it.
