Error When Updating Theme

I keep getting the following error when updating a theme:

I’m having the same issue :see_no_evil:

Can you please try again now? We had some issues with our upload system.

I understand, but no change for me at this point; the same “Error 500” message is still presenting.

Thanks I’ll ask our developers to have a look into why this is happening.

I have the same error

The error should be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It’s fine now, thanks dschinn.

Working again :+1:

Thanks for fixing it pretty quick! :+1:

I’ve just been able to upload a new file and download it, can you please try again?

I had this same error.Please help us.

You had this same error just now?


please help to us

I will ask our developer to investigate further, as far as my tests show all uploads are working however there is clearly something going on. We’ll have an update for you soon.

The other error should be fixed. Now hopefully everything is back in place and working smoothly.
If I should have overlooked something again, then please report here.

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