Does not work


I can’t confirm that … It looks good from our side…

Hi dschinn-de,

Do you have the idea of ​​what I can do?
I can access KDE Store, Opendesktop …, but there is no chance on

Everything was fine this morning, I set up a few new products, and when I wanted to continue to set up new products this problem came up.

Difficult. ‘Unable to connect’ simply means that the browser could not connect to the web server. I can’t see why from here. I can’t find any indication that the servers were so busy that they were rejecting connections. And even if they were, this should not be a permanent condition.
It could be that our security systems have blocked your IP because they may have recognised something false positive. This is also only one possibility among many and no addresses are blocked permanently.
Do you have the possibility to get another IP address? Perhaps via a VPN or something similar. Or your provider assigns IP addresses dynamically, in which case a new connection might help.

Perhaps your colleague @justinz can also help if the problem does not resolve itself.

Hi dschinn-de, justinz

Up to half an hour ago I had a access

I added 5 new products, and when I tried to add to the sixth, I lost my access on again

Is it limited number of products that can be placed?

That’s really strange. And no, we don’t have a limit of this kind. We will try to find out what the problem is. Would it be ok for you to send us your currently used IP address in a private message. We can then search the log for it. Maybe you would also like to send us the output of traceroute. ‘traceroute -m 15

We have monitors that check every minute and there hasn’t been any downtime in over 30 days.

I imagine it’s likely a network issue between your device(s) and the site. First is to check ping and see if it’s replying to you, then traceroute if that succeeds.

Hi justinz,

Thank You Justinz. Now everything is fine. I had communication with dschinn-de yesterday in private messages and the problem was solved. dschinn-de will better explain what the problem was.


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