Can't properly update my products

I’m trying since yestartday to update the following products:

I can insert new files, i can even insert new changelogs, but basically everything else is broken.

When i click “save” i am redirected to the first edit page “the one named 1.Basic”, and if i check my products, every change i made, with the exception for other files uploaded and the changelog, is lost.

For example, version stays the same, description does not change, new tags added are ignored.

Issues persist.
Any advice, please?

Hi koko2k,

Sorry for the inconvenience. We will look into it and fix asap.


Thank you very much.

Do you manage to take a look?
Is still broken for me.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The error should be resolved. Please just try again.

Indeed it worked.
Thank you!