Can you buy additional storage on

I’d love to increase my storage on, as it’s nice to keep all my files in a single cloud, and I’ve found other Nextcloud providers to be less than reliable. Is this possible? If not, might be nice. (Maybe a way to generate some income?)

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I also would like to know that :slight_smile:

Checking the nextcloud docs, they say that to get more storage you need to ask your admin, which in our case I guess is

Could someone please inform us how we can expand significantly the limit (I was thinking 1TB of data including photos)?

From what I’ve seen since, it’s not possible currently. I’ve been looking at Hostiso, instead, which has flexible levels and good pricing. But it would be great to just be able to get it from

This is something we’re looking into.

Wonderful! Thanks!

Hi just wondering if there has been any progress or further thoughts on a pro version or additional storage option for Opendesktop cloud.
The service is really good and also kind of rare to have a libre cloud service in a sea of commercial providers. I’d hate to see it go away because of funding.

Don’t worry we’re not going anywhere. Subscription services are currently being worked on by @dschinn-de and our other front-end developers. Watch this space :slight_smile:

Fantastic news!
Will be keeping watch.

Trust is lost. Five gigs free, then reduced to one. It would have been smarter to offer higher tiers rather than pull a Google / Microsoft who give, then take, all the time. For shame.