Any plans to include other apps?

I love the project. It is far better than my android TV.
Any plans to include other apps? Like
Thank you very much.

from streamio FAQ:

How does Stremio sustain it’s development operations?

We run non-intrusive ads through AdEx, which is a company by the same founding team that focuses on privacy preserving, transparent ads.

when I go to

Open-source, transparent & fraud-proof display advertising

AdEx is trust-minimized solution for digital advertising that reduces ad fraud, improves ad budgets and protects user privacy.

The AdEx platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain to connect publishers and advertisers without intermediaries on a decentralized ad exchange. We introduce real-time reporting for both parties and enable payments per impression with no withdrawal threshold for publishers.

Moreover, AdEx Network is built with full respect towards end users’ data - we don’t store any.

sounds like OpenWashing.

We need a way to filter out those ads