Well suddenly a single person has started spamming my pling page
with a lot of offensive and hateful words because he got banned from the support chat for being just as abusive, i would like to have those comments removed and those accounts banned or something. Since most of the parts of the world are going through a phase of lockdown because of the virus these people dont really have anything productive to do in their lives, please deal with them appropriately.
I hope @opendesktop does something about it asap
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@rvs75 a little help here please.
we took a look at it and deleted one or two comments that we feel violate the general netiqette.
One more word on our own behalf. Criticism is not always easy to endure and sometimes it is presented harshly and sometimes it is hurtful because the frustration among users is simply very great. We know what we’re talking about, because we face criticism from our users every day - and that is a good thing. We don’t want to miss it.
Even if we do not always manage to answer all messages immediately or to fix the problems promptly. So, that is one way (of others) to eliminate problems and constantly improve the application.
Users cannot always see how much work a developer has had up to this point or how much effort has to be taken to keep something running. That is not their job and we/you have to accept that.
For this reason, we wish for all of our users on this platform to treat each other fairly. For all developers and makers on this platform, constructive criticism of their products is important as praise is. And for all users of their products it is important that their problems are heard.
Best regards,
opendesktop team
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Should I open a new topic?
A person signs up and immediately writes a deliberately false comment with a low rating. Some users do not know how to compete, as I understand it.
In my product mkos-big-sur of icons there are also these comments, some unfounded, I suppose that these users will always exist, especially in popular products.
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LLVM’s code of conduct:
The LLVM community has always worked to be a welcoming and respectful community, and we want to ensure that doesn’t change as we grow and evolve. To that end, we have a few ground rules that we ask people to adhere to:
Be careful in the words that you choose and be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior aren’t acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
In general, if someone asks you to stop, then stop. Persisting in such behavior after being asked to stop is considered harassment.
more of that at LLVM Community Code of Conduct — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation,
good to use logic from that in some way, it would only aid, wouldn’t it?
You can do nothing against 14yos living the “manly” internet lives, they will keep on trash talking.
I think some filtering can be done and maybe low rating made more difficult by having few steps of confirmation and firmly stated messages that discourage from doing so, I don’t want to take anybody’s freedom as I wouldn’t like mine to be suppressed but a sort of automation should be possible but OD would need to do that. It’d be also useful to be able to switch off mail notifications otherwise all such comments land in your inbox and you can be spammed from oD, maybe ability to switch off notifs per profile, I don’t know, that’s just what comes at a glance.