How to upload wallpaper? "Next" button is disabled

What the heck is the process to upload wallpaper?
i tried to upload on “basics” page (maximum 5 pictures), but then i cannot skip this page:

And if i upload it here in “Files” page, i cannot proceed as the “NEXT” button is always DISABLED:
I cannot save it either as “Save” button leads to nothing

This file uploader is so crooked

u only press NEXT once time, when u finish ur upload you will clic on Save button.
to add 1 or more artworks, clic in add files button again, select and upload.

you mean i am supposed to press “save” not “next” after adding multiple files?
Why is the “next” button (even if disabled) there then? Its so confusing.
AND pressing “save” does nothing, the new whatever page never loads (waiting…waiting… waiting…)

ALSO do i upload wallpapers (multiple files) in the basics page? or the files page??? “save” proceeds to nothing either way.

Yes bro, next is disabled for that reason, because u must save the files or file
with the charge i think u need call to your Internet service agency to fix that problem …

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the screenshots only on the basic page only to show how is the preview of your artwork
the downloads only in the 2nd page, where u press i accep the terms and conditions. u can up 1 or 5 files, even more

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i did everything as mentioned above, but the “save” does nothing, saves nothing, shows no status whether files were uploaded and keeps throwing me back to “Basics” tab (partially filled up. Nothing changes in my “products” page.

This site is seriously crippled and done